What It's Really Like...

What it's really like...

Monday, December 27, 2010

The Gym Won't Make You Thin

It's that time of year again.. when the gym regulars bitch about the after-New Years rush, which usually lasts about a month.  When the rush is over the regulars comment how it's finally back to normal (i.e., a few machines empty here and there and less crowding in the classes and weight room).  I've been going to the same gym for 6 years, so this routine if very familiar to me.. I'm usually with the after New Years rush, since I'm generally a slack ass for the months of November and December.  That's my routine though.  Workout really hard for 10 months and then give my body a big fat break when it starts to get cold and I can run around outside a lot more with my kids (when it's hot here, there is no playing outside.. there is only going to the pool or to the beach, then inside for endless hrs of AC).  But I know it's not the gym that keeps my weight in check.  The gym is for mental and physical wellness, toned muscles, limberness, etc.  But unless you are training for a marathon or triathalon, or some other major athletic event, working out will not make you thin.. it'll make you feel good.. but it won't make you thin (neither will breast feeding for that matter, but that's a whole 'nother story).  

So here's the secret... Eat less.  Less is more.  Did you hear about the Twinkie Diet?  There was some serious controversy surrounding it, but it made sense.  The bottom line was that your diet can consist solely of Twinkies and you will lose weight.  But you'd need to eat about 600 calories a day of only Twinkies to make this happen.  It does however highlight my point. 

OK, what's really my point?  I recently hung out with my friend whose average exercise log time for the week is about 15 hours in the gym where she "double dips" (my slang for exercising twice in one day.. you know, weight room and a class, or two classes in a row).  I tried using Cole as an excuse why I haven't been and she really gave me shit.. So this blog is one big fat excuse why I haven't exercised in 2 months.  On January 3rd I will revisit my yearly habit of shamelessly walking into the gym like I haven't missed a day (or 60 but who's counting)... and for the next 10 months I will work out hard and pay attention to what I eat.  But for the past two months, just knowing that the gym won't make me thin has gotten me through the holidays without too much angst of missing all those days in one of my favorite places.  Which is why although I know it won't make me thin, the gym will always be a part of my life (i.e., because it makes me tone, and limber, and makes me feel really really good).

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